Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"O Princess! My Princess!"

Oh, how dost thou love to dress up, childling!
Thy face dost beam with uncontainable light!
Thy heart dost bound with unfathomable joy!
What bliss dost compare? Thy joy returnest not void unto thyself, but rather warmeth the darkest, wintered, and weathered heart.


amy said...

Aww. :) She warms this heart too! That little face just lights up a room!

Thanks so much for posting all of these pictures!!!! Love you guys and miss you all soooo much!!! :X:X:X

Anonymous said...

Hoooooow cute:P

Anonymous said...

Those pics are great! The kids look like they're having fun skating. Did they get a lot of bumps and bruises? I just can't believe how they are all growing. Little Kenders is such a dolly! She would have so much fun with Emmy Lou. :D It will be fun to watch them interact. Love you all so much! xoxoxo Jen