Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Video

Birthday Girl

She was flying like a lady bug!!!:D


Birthday "Cake"

Okay, so I have to explain the rough shape of this poor lady bug. Since a lot of us in our family can't have wheat......I decided to make a sugar-free ice cream cake. I layered chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a big "popcorn" bowl. Then I froze that while making fondant. The ice cream was a soft ice cream even when the fondant was slipping off her. Anyways.she is how she is.;)

Birthday Love

Birthday Breakfast - chocolate chip lady bug pancakes on a bed of whipped cream grass

Kennedy's Birthday Decor

Dancing with Baby

I guess she doesn't like to dance with a puking partner.

She's saying "puke". Then the second time she says "puke" and "off".:P