Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mommy Mirth

My kids like me to "draw" them things......and so I appease them b/c it's something productive and creates a wonderful bond. So I made these for Warren and Kennedy. I'll make the others later when I have a few minutes to spare.

I LOVE when the kids paint..........

On the computer that is.:P



The last time the kids got out the paints......I think I was sleep deprived and lying on the couch as if drugged.....(could have been a very bad candida day, too) but the kids went crazy.....I even had them wearing "paint shirts" and they still managed to get it on their newer play clothes......and on my new chairs.....( which I still haven't been able to get around to cleanin'!! WAAAAAHAAAA!!!! sniffle, sniffle) Now, I do love to let my kids explore and experiment with color, but not all the time, and not soooooo messy (especially when I'm breaking out and I already feel aggravated). So all that to say painting on the computer is AWESOME. They can perform spotless artistry.