Friday, March 20, 2009

Mommy's constant helpers

AB "F" "F" "F"

Warren has now learned his ABC's and Kennedy, so enthusiastic to learn, goes around the house saying what she can, in her own little Kennedy order. I took her grocery shopping last Sat. just her and Mommy and she was just singing away in the cart. She sang the low parts and high parts and she even got a few crescendos in there (okay more than a few). It was very sweet to see and watch. I'm so glad we got to spend that time together.

Consequently, Mitch (Chous-Choosq) has picked up on a letter. The letter "F". Here he is in this picture dictating his "F". :D

Our boy, Our Joy

What joy this little guy brings into our home! I can almost feel and smell him in these pictures. Preciousness concentrated.