Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A Decade Old.......

Julia just had her tenth birthday, and here is a photo summary, in part ( a few more pictures with her friends and family to come).

We like to take the kids out individually for their birthday and do something special with them, so I got a Second Cup gift card from Leah (bless you, Girl) for my birthday so I took Julia out for her birthday with it.

The Cookie Dough Cheesecake




Fireworks (at Capital X aka:Klondike Days)

I love the sight of fireworks but there are also a few other things I like about them. I love hearing the rocketing squeals they make and the boom/crack afterwards, maybe in expectant anticipation to what follows: the beautiful display of shimmery, sparkling wonder. As well as (I know I'm weird Murray) the smell.....hahahah the smoked filled air..........the leftovers, if you will to an exciting show.


Unknown said...

Your not weird for liking that smell! I like the smell of cordite myself,(gunpowder). Now, sulfur smell from burnt matches, THATS WEIRD!!!

Jen said...

lol...I guess I'm weird too. Maybe that's because we come from the same family. I LOVE the smell of burned matches and the smell of fireworks. :)

Jen said...

Wow...I can't believe how grown up Julia is. The birthday pics are great...she is just beautiful as well as all the girlies...just like their momma. :) Love you!

Kristie said...

I guess, "Everybody's weeeird in their own waaay". hehehe
Thanks, "Jeniford"!!!! Do you remember who use to call you that??!?!?! Yes, the girlies are growing into young ladies now.

I like the gunpowder smell, too. All that burnt stuff!!!!