Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thrift Store Elations and Deflations

Mitch is being potty trained..........which means, buying more Lysol, more toilet paper, and buying more patience (if only!!!!!). Not wanting to spend more money on diapers, I found and bought training pants at the thrift store. (YES!!!!) As I happily started putting my new bargain on Mitchy, something was amiss........and it sure didn't get passed him, literally. As I was pulling them up, he responds, "I stuck.... I stuck!" The training pants wouldn't go passed his thighs? No, this couldn't be! HOW could he be too big for myyyyyy bargain?!!?!!?! Impossible. Preposterous! So off they came. Pulling, stretching, and yes, even sounds of, heh, r-ripping.......(coupled with sounds of sighing). Needless to say, my"bargain" will have to "do storage" 'til Claire is ready to be potty trained. Hopefully I'll remember what a great deal they were then to totally enjoy the savings, saved.

1 comment:

Manda said...

Shucks! That stinks. I'm not potty training Walter. He's training me. I wanted to wait until he could get his own clothing off, but he is quite decided that he must use the potty like everybody else. No training pants here though. I don't dare with all of the carpet all over this house.

"Johnny go poop on potty! Daddy go poop on potty! Boppy go poop on potty!..." Poop, incidentally, could mean either or both.