Friday, December 25, 2009

Gingerbread House Making Goes to New Heights

Today was the boys' day to make their gingerbread house. Very different from how the girls approached it. I didn't have as many pictures b/c they got done a lot faster than the girls did. They certainly had a lot of fun, but in a different way. The girls ate as they went along ( a habit which will stop before it starts) but the boys certainly took it to a new level ( I guess as boys ususally do). Harrison started frosting a mustache on himself and then added candies to his frosting mustache. LOLOLOLOL It reminded me of something Josh would do. I thought I got video of us laughing hysterically......It makes me sad I didn't get it....but I'll remember that forever. I did get some pics of Harrison. The other boys, of course, joined in; who could resist!!!!!!!!
And then Harrison picks up an extra piece of wall of the gingerbread house and starts eating it as if it were a normal sized cookie. Very smug of him.
And then they were showing off their talent by using their very careful and graceful tongues by trying to lick the candies and frosting from atop their lips.
Pierce, even though he was laughing, took his "masterpiece" much more seriously. hahhahaha


Manda said...

lol! You're such a fun mom!

Addie got your package today. She *looooooves* it. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to video it. Such excitement!

Kristie said...

I'm sooooo glad she LOOOOVES it!!! Kennedy has the same one. I thought it sooooo sweet and feminine!!! Just something fun to have when baking. It's both practical and pretty!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!