Monday, November 30, 2009

Meet Baby/Gift #8 For the First Time

The kids and I went for my ultrasound today to see new bee-bee!!!! The ultrasound technician was great. She was showing the kids all the different parts of the baby, even the umbilical cord and the baby opening and closing her(his) mouth. They even saw the tongue!!!!! So, the baby is most likely a girlie.......but we'll still have to wait and see for sure, for sure. The baby measured at 29 weeks and 5 days..... further along than I thought....So, we'll see;)


Jen said...

Hug your tummy for me!! Such a sweet picture. Thanks for sharing it. Love you tons!xoxo

Anonymous said...

aaah!! congratulations sees!!! so exciting <3 miss ya, boo

worstedoptimist said...

AAAw the beebee!! Love!

Kristie said...

HEY GUYS!!!!!! Thanks!!!! Fun Stuff, huh????:D:D:D:D We're verrrrrry excited!!!! Hey, Nate!!!Love and Miss you all!!!